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Company Research
  Company information, especially credit information of your partner or client companies are essential information for you to avoid any risks or to make an investment plan for expanding your business in Vietnam.

  With more than 910,000 local or foreign company data, we serve you with the most accurate and up-to-date company information.
Available data
As of 31/8/2024 Number of companies in which financial
data available
Listed company 708 All
Unlisted company 1,030,137 919,373
Types of report, Price and delivery date
Content Basic Standard Comprehensive
Company profile
The transitions of Total Employees × ×
Partner information × ×
Purchasing and sales information × ×
Board of management ×
Major shareholders
Subsidiary / Branch
Group company ×
Related company x
Outstanding Loans ×
Classification of debts ×
Loan situation in recent 12 months ×
Special mentioned debt history in recent 12 months ×
Bad debt history in recent 5 years ×
Industry review × × ×
List of Top 10 companies by Sales Revenue & Market Shares × × ×
Balance Sheet ×
Income Statement ×
Financial indicators ×
Financial charts ×
The transitions of Net sales, Net profit after tax, Total assets and Equity × ×
Credit ratings × ×
Financial Highlights × × ×
Content Basic A B Comprehensive
Company name, Native name, Registration address, Type of registrated place, Operation address,
TEL, FAX, Email, Website, Established date, Listed year, Tax code, Tax code issued date,
Business Registration No., Legal form, Status of business, Main business lines, Authorized capital
※※Only when company has outstanding loan
※※※Total Assets, Current Asset, Equity, Net Sales and Net profit after tax.
Content Basic Standard Comprehensive
3 year financial statement 280~330USD 980USD 850USD 1180USD
2 year financial statement 880USD 750USD 1080USD
1 year financial statement 780USD 650USD 980USD
Delivery time ~5 working days ~10 working days ~12 working days
Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample
Research Options
Revenue of each business line / Salary and payable days added into Comprehensive / Standard report as option.
① Revenue of main business line and other business lines (1 year)
② Total employees (3 years)
③ Total labourers' income (3 years)
④ Average salary per employee (3 years)
⑤ Frequently pay to workers (3 years)
⑥ Account payable days (3 years)
Business registration info (past 3 years) added into Basic report only as option. Standard and Comprehensive report include this information. +100USD
List up research
items(maximum 10 companies) ①Company name(Vietnamese・English・Japanese)
②Investment nation (local/foreign owned)
③Listed/ unlisted
⑨Main registered business
600USD~/ Industry・Region
3 working days ~
Region: North / Central / South
Ranking research
items ①Company name
③Tax code
④Legal representative
⑤Main registered business
⑥Capital sources and funds
⑦ranking based on Sales/PAT/no. of employee
600USD/10 companies
*price may vary depending on industries
Vietnam listed company information
Vietnam company information Financial Statements of listed company 200USD / 3 working days
Sample company report (comprehensive)
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